Our Purpose
The purpose of the Connectional Youth Ministry (CYM) of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church is to comprise an official organization that provides representation for the youth of this denomination. The Connectional Youth Ministry shall assist the denomination in cultivating leadership, spiritual, and faith formation opportunities among persons ages 12-17.
Our Vision
Youth Ministry within the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church exists to REACH young people, ages 12-17, by:
Revealing the life-changing power of a relationship with Jesus Christ,
Equipping youth workers with the resources to build effective ministries,
Advocating for the spiritual, social, and political needs of young people,
Communicating the gospel in a culturally relevant manner, allowing
Healing for young people, their families, and their communities.
Our Objective
The Connectional Youth Ministry shall seek to achieve the following objectives:
Develop a connectional network of youth directors, youth ministers and youth presidents and exchange ideas through various media.
Advise the Connectional Youth Vice Presidents Council and engage them in the work of this ministry and the Department of Christian Education and Formation
Develop and recommend programs that can be implemented by youth ministries at all levels of the denomination.
Assist the Department of Christian Education and Formation in planning life-changing Connectional Youth Conferences.
Facilitate and encourage the training and theological education of youth directors and youth ministers throughout the church.
Coordinate when necessary, when other connectional ministries that overlap with youth ministry, such as Mattie E. Coleman, Scouting, Youth Ushers, Children, emerging and Young Adults.
Coordinate and implement at least one youth mission project per year for local church and coordinate with the General Department of Christian Education and Formation guidelines for District, Regional and Connectional Mission Projects.